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Website terms and conditions

 We want our users to be aware of any information we collect from the usage of our website, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

Privacy policy

Gray’s Health & Fitness Pty Ltd respects the privacy and rights of its visitors and no effort is made to identify individuals without their knowledge or consent. This information is collected solely to improve the service and information we offer and statistical purposes and is not used to identify individuals, is not sold to any other company or third party. We maintain a strict “no-spam” policy.

Information collection and use

When a visitor requests pages from the graysfitness.com.au website, our web server and / or web administration company or host automatically logs some of the technical details including but not limited to the browser’s domain name and IP address. This information is collected solely for statistical and improvement purposes for our marketing and business development team and is not sold to anyone, or any third party. Gray’s Health & Fitness Pty Ltd maintains a strict “no-spam” policy.

Notification of changes

Gray’s Health & Fitness Pty Ltd reserves the right to change our privacy policy at any time without notification or warning. Any changes to this privacy policy will be posted at this privacy policy page, and it is the site users’ (your) responsibility to check for updates of our policy.

Contact information

Should you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at:

Email: enquiries@graysfitness.com.au

Telephone: +61 1300 769 556

Postal Address: 91 Dohertys Rd, Altona North, VIC 3025

Website URL: https://graysfitness.com.au/